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Friday, October 05, 2007

Our Church

After the long long wait, we already booked Santisimo Rosario Parish last week! Since our wedding is still on the feb of 2008, people in charge that they only accept reservation for 2008 starting October 1.

There are lotsa lotsa requirements, first stop is to get application form for marriage license, and then we also have to post marriage banns. There's also pre-cana seminar to be held on a whole day of Sunday. We should also get Cenomar and Conformation certificates. Emer is not yet confirmed (if that's the term) so we have to check out churches with easiest requirements.

I never thought getting married requires a lot of documents. I'm already stress out with the preps and at the same time we have to finish these documents.

But Anyways, I'm really really happy that we already booked our church

Santisimo Rosario Parish located at UST compound

telephone number: 4408257

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