Emer already ask me last August 10, the night of my birthday. I just popped in the question not really trying all this best for a romantic proposal, i admit i was shock and disappointed because i was expecting something much much much special, but i guess my E is not just the type of guy. before the year ends, i have this feeling that he will proposed again, well, i told him he should (:P a demanding sweetheart) comes christmas day and our 6th year anniversary, I already have a clue, what I am clueless about is how he will proposed. So, before our dinner with my parents, he gave me the dog ( a stuff toy) and a box. I knew that was it. I know he done a lot of effort, wrapping the box, tying the ring to the dog's other hand

and a letter for me to read. Yes, I am hard to please that's why I again was disappointed, I know he can do better. Well, again, i just told to myself that he is not the type of person. He never pop the question again, and according to him, he already told me that last August, the phrase he told me now is I will be his wife soon. Although I am not stunned about the whole proposed thinggy, i know i am happy and the only thing matters most is that soon we will be bind as one. so on with the preps!
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